Name/Nickname: Jay
Pronouns: He/Him
Job title: Community Health Navigator/Prevention Specialist
Where’d you come from, and what’d you do there?
I was working at Cricket Wireless and as a consultant to Xcuslive Medical Staffing. At Cricket Wireless, I sold phones and helped with marketing. At Xcusilve, I planned all the company events, and birthday events, and did marketing.
I’m here to help you with… sexual health and wellness education, access to condoms, PrEP, treatment, and safer-sex information, and to connect you with one of our healthcare advocates (care navigators).
How did you become interested in working at the LGBT Life Center?
I worked at MASS. I was the first Prep Coordinator they had, and I also did the first-ever PrEP Rally!
What’s an interesting thing about you that most people don’t know?
I own an entertainment company where I do fashion shows, concerts, event planning, and community events. I also started a Breakfast with Santa event 4 years ago that helps kids from 0 -17 with Christmas gifts. I also have a drag brunch.
What excites you most about being at the LGBT Life Center?
Being able to help people.
Rapid Fire…what is your favorite…
Animal: My toy poodle
Color: Green
Song/Music: Anything Fantasia and Jasmine Sullivan
TV Show/Movie: Star and Empire WWE
Hobby: Singing and Planning events
Contact Jay:
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