Every amount makes a difference.


buys a monthly bus pass for a client to travel to medical and supportive services including support groups, testing services, and social activities.


pays for facilitation of one of our 16 free support groups offered to all members of the Hampton Roads community.


covers free HIV/STD screening and sexual health counseling for one client.


provides one week’s worth of nutritious meals for an HIV+ client.


provides a “move-in kit” to one of our housing clients including cups, plates, sheets, and basic cleaning supplies.

Our Partners

Thank you to the generosity of our corporate partners for sponsoring the LGBT Life Center and making an impact in our community.



Why giving matters...

Each year, our agency is able to expand and add more programs as a result of your contributions and our outreach efforts. Donations from the community are greatly appreciated and significantly assist our mission of serving and enriching the lives of the LGBTQ and HIV community in the Hampton Roads area.

There are many ways you can financially support LGBT Life Center:

Cash Contributions
To make a charitable gift of cash, either click on the GIVE NOW link on this page or mail your contribution to:

LGBT Life Center
222 W. 21st Street, F-308
Norfolk, VA 23517


Sustainable Gifts
If your donation exceeds $500 (or $1,000 for businesses), you are eligible for a 50% return on your donation in the form of tax credits in the Commonwealth of Virginia. For more information on receiving NAP credits, contact Stacie Walls, Chief Executive Officer, at stacie@lgbtlifecenter.org or (757) 640-0929.


Matching Gifts
Thousands of corporations in the United States have matching-gift programs that benefit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations such as LGBT Life Center. In these programs, an employee’s charitable contributions are matched by the employer at a certain ratio; for example, a 2:1 ratio would result in the employer making a charitable matched gift of $2 for every $1 the employee donated.


Pledges and Recurring Gifts
Other than gifts of cash, two other common methods include pledges and recurring gifts. A pledge has specific beginning and end dates established by you; allows you to make monthly, quarterly, or annual payments; is used to support a capital project that has a defined fundraising timeframe; and may extend from a one to five year period. You may set-up recurring donations by clicking Give Now on this page.

A recurring gift has a beginning but no specific end date, so it has no time limit; allows you to make weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments; and allows you to make a larger annual gift to LGBT Life Center than you might make with just a single donation. For both pledges and recurring gifts, you decide the amount of the gift, the purpose, the payment frequency (e.g., monthly, quarterly, etc.) and schedule.



Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Stocks and publicly traded securities are easy to give and offer great tax advantages. You can transfer stock to the LGBT Life Center 1) electronically through your broker, or 2) mail the appropriate stock certificates and the signed stock powers for each certificate to LGBT Life Center. The best stocks to use for charitable giving are securities that have risen in value and that you have held for more than one year. If you make a donation of appreciated securities, you will pay no capital gains tax on this transaction and can deduct the full fair market value.


Estate Gifts
As a supporter of the LGBT Life Center, you can make a charitable gift by naming us in your will or trust. Leave a lasting legacy, and ensure that your interests in the LGBTQ and HIV communities will be supported beyond your lifetime.

A bequest is the most popular type of estate gift, because anything you leave to a charitable organization will reduce your taxable estate while helping a good cause. You can leave a bequest of money or property to the LGBT Life Center. You can even leave a percentage of your estate or a percentage of the residue to the Center after making provisions for family and friends. For instance, you could leave the Center a bequest of $10,000 or you could leave us 10% of the residue of your estate.


Other estate gifts that LGBT Life Center would consider include:

  • IRAs as charitable bequests.
  • Charitable bequests of savings bonds.
  • Gifts of real estate and other personal property.
  • Charitable remainder trusts.
  • Charitable lead trusts.
  • Life insurance policies.


To discuss contribution options to benefit and sustain the work of LGBT Life Center and the thousands of clients we serve yearly, please contact Stacie Walls, Chief Executive Officer at stacie@lgbtlifecenter.org or 757.640.0929 to make an appointment.

Do good. Donate.

Your gift significantly assists us with our mission.

Give now