Name/Nickname: Amber George
Pronouns: She/Her
Job Title at LGBT Life Center: Counselor Resident
Where’d you come from and what’d you do there? Last year, I served as a counseling intern for the Life Center and part-time barista. Beforehand, I spent eight years as strategic communications and user experience contractor for the EPA.
I’m here to help you with: LGBT-affirming therapy, mental health advocacy, and community empowerment.
How did you become interested in this job/type of work? It was a path I considered since high school but feared I had missed the boat. After serving as a volunteer advocate at the Center for Sexual Assault Survivors, I decided to put in the effort to make a career change. It took years but has been my most meaningful and worthwhile professional pursuit.
What’s an interesting thing about you that most people don’t know? I’m an amateur bird nerd. So far, in my own small backyard, I have spotted dark-eyed juncos, vireos, bluebirds, blue jays, mockingbirds, cardinals, robins, house finches, goldfinches, red-winged blackbirds, crows, various types of woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, tufted titmice, wrens, sapsuckers, and even a red-tailed hawk. Nature is amazing!
What excites you about joining the LGBT Life Center Team? Easily the clients and the staff. This is a place filled with incredible people and I am so grateful to work with them.
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