Jerry’s Story
Jerry’s situation-ship made him look at his options for safer sex. After discussing PrEP with his friends and family, he decided it was right for him.
Hey y’all my name is Jerry. I’m a 29 year old gay male from Portsmouth, Virginia. I am a workaholic and a homebody, but I do like to have fun so every now and then you’ll find me at the bars on Granby Street with my friends or my god sister. My hobbies include shopping and traveling, but right now I’m into doing hair.
I am technically single, but I am in a “situationship” with another man. We’ve been having sex for a while now and although I use condoms with my other partners, I don’t always use condoms with my main partner, which is why I think taking PrEP is a good idea.
I’m very close with my family and I want their backing on my decision to take PrEP because their support is important to me. I decided to tell my cousin first about my decision to start taking PrEP, but my cousin is not going for it. She is concerned about the side effects and the harm it could potentially cause to my body in the long run. Then, I decided to tell my god sister about my decision and her blessing was the push I needed. I know PrEP is the right choice for me. I will set up my PrEP appointment at LGBT Life Center.
See more Role Model Stories and learn about LGBT Life Center’s Life 757 group for young black males between the ages of 16-29 that have sex with other men. This program is not concerned with what you label yourself as (gay, bi, DL,). LIFE is focused on helping young men who have sex with other men have safe and healthy relationships, and experience personal growth.
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