Name: Quinci Rockette
Title: Intimate Partner Violence Counselor
Pronouns: she/her
How long have you been with LGBT Life Center? 1 year
Tell us a little bit about the work you do at The Center? I provide mental health services and support to survivors of violence. I speak with survivors daily and walk them through everything from creating safety plans, navigating legal systems, connecting them to emergency shelters, and facilitating our support group. I also work with the community to provide educational opportunities for allied professionals to learn more about working with LGBTQ survivors.
Tell us about a time you helped a client. A client of mine had recently fled a violent relationship and was transitioning to life without their ex, as well as living in an emergency shelter. She found community in our support group, and I was able to help her petition for an extension on her protective order to keep her safe. She also worked with the housing department to find permanent housing.
We were able to help her build community and help her navigate legal systems to get a protective order.
The experience made me feel like filing for a protective order needs to be more accessible to survivors of violence. But, I do feel like it is a good example of the Life Center working well with services provided by neighboring organizations.
The client felt supported, knowing that multiple people could support her differently ways. She had a case manager through the shelter, an advocate (me), as well as a housing case manager through the Life Center. I think that it is helpful for survivors of violence to know that there are people out there who are dedicated to helping them.
What do you love most about your colleagues? I love how friendly and supportive everyone is. When I’ve felt overwhelmed, I know I have people to vent to or people I can share a laugh with!
What do you love most about working at The Center? My coworkers! They make work enjoyable, and their dedication to social justice!
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