What’s Happening?
On Wednesday, November 13th, the Virginia House Committee will meet to consider HJ9, a resolution that would give voters the power in 2026 to amend the state constitution and remove the outdated ban on same-gender marriage. This is a vital step to protect marriage equality in Virginia and prevent the ban from potentially being reinstated if the Supreme Court revisits its 2015 Obergefell decision (legalizing marriage equality at the federal level).
Why Now?
In 2006, Virginia amended its constitution to ban same-gender marriage. Although the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges made same-gender marriage legal nationwide, Virginia’s ban remains on the books and could come back into play if federal protections change. Passing HJ9 is the first step to ensure Virginia’s laws reflect today’s values and protect marriage equality permanently.
How You Can Help:
We need your voice! Contact your representatives and express your support for HJ9 to amend the Virginia Constitution. Here’s how you can take action:
- Send an Email: Use the draft letter below to email committee members. Feel free to personalize it to make it your own!
- RSVP for the Committee Hearing: Join in person at the committee meeting to show your support.
- Sign Up to Provide Virtual Testimony: If you can’t attend in person, you can provide your testimony online.
- Submit Written Public Comment: Make your voice heard by submitting a public comment in favor of HJ9.
Sample Letter to Virginia Representatives
Simply copy, paste, and send this letter to the House Privileges and Elections Committee members listed at the end of this post. Adjust the letter to reflect your personal story or reasons for supporting marriage equality if you’d like.
Subject: Support HJ9 – Protect Marriage Equality for All Virginians
Dear House Privileges and Elections Committee Members,
I am writing to express my strong support for HJ9, a resolution to amend the Virginia Constitution to protect marriage equality for all. Every person deserves the right to love and marry freely.
LGBTQ+ people have been historically disenfranchised in this country, and now we have an opportunity in Virginia to ensure that LGBTQ+ rights are protected, even in the face of potential changes to federal policy.
As your constituent, I urge you to support HJ9 and make this amendment a priority. The time to protect ALL Virginians is now, and I hope you will stand with us by supporting this critical amendment.
Thank you for your attention to this essential issue.
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information, if desired]
Committee Emails: To make it even easier, here’s a list of all committee emails. You can copy and paste these into the recipient field of your email:
DelMPrice@house.virginia.gov, DelMSickles@house.virginia.gov, DelPKrizek@house.virginia.gov, DelDReid@house.virginia.gov, DelMMaldonado@house.virginia.gov, DelJGlass@house.virginia.gov, DelJCole@house.virginia.gov, DelKSrinivasan@house.virginia.gov, DelRHenson@house.virginia.gov, DelBAnthony@house.virginia.gov, DelDLeVereBolling@house.virginia.gov, DeliOquinn@house.virginia.gov, DelTGilbert@house.virginia.gov, DelJLeftwich@house.virginia.gov, DelRBloxom@house.virginia.gov, DelPScott@house.virginia.gov, DelOWachsmann@house.virginia.gov, DelMCherry@house.virginia.gov, DelCGreen@house.virginia.gov, DelPMilde@house.virginia.gov, DelEPhillips@house.virginia.gov, DelKConvirs-Fowler@house.virginia.gov
What’s the Process?
To amend Virginia’s Constitution, this resolution must pass through the General Assembly twice, with an election in between. This means it will need to pass in both 2025 and 2026 before it appears on the ballot for voters in November 2026. It’s a lengthy process, but one that is essential to protecting our rights at the state level.
Together, we can help make history in Virginia. Let’s protect love and equality for all. Visit the links in our bio to take action, RSVP for the committee hearing, and let your representatives know where you stand.
Thank you for taking action and standing with us! 🌈
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