Life757 - LGBT Life Center

Live Free, Get Tested

Amyre hadn’t been tested in awhile, but after talking to a friend at a kickback he decided it was time to schedule an HIV test. You can get a free HIV and STD testing by stopping by our office.

Learn more about testing services by clicking here.

What is it all about?

LIFE is a program for young black males between the ages of 16-29 that have sex with other men. This program is not concerned with what you label yourself as (gay, bi, DL,). LIFE is focused on helping young men who have sex with other men have safe and healthy relationships, and experience personal growth.

LIFE’s purpose is to deliver prevention that accounts for a young man’s physical health, but also his mental, spiritual, social, environment and emotional health. LIFE seeks to build a community of young men that can lead the fight against HIV for the next generation coming of age. Mentoring young men who are having sexual relationships with other men is an important element of what we do and our purpose. Imagine the difference for a young teen to be able to talk to an older peer about his feelings, fears, and behaviors, instead of feeling isolated because of his sexual attraction to other men.

LIFE Updates + Events

Life Updates

LIFE Support

We offer a wide variety of programs and services for those in the LGBTQ+ and HIV communities (whether you’re LGBTQ or straight). Some programming has eligibility requirements but many are free and for everyone.

See programs

LIFE Lessons on Love + Sex

After talking to a friend at a kickback, Amyre decided it was time to schedule an HIV test.

It’s Easy to Live HIV+

Sometimes being in the moment causes slip-ups.

HIV can happen to anyone, no matter your relationship status

Immerse yourself in understanding HIV 

Protection is key

“I take a pill every day to prevent HIV?”

“The 5 seconds it takes to put on a condom doesn’t compare to the lifetime of, ‘Oh, I wish I had done that!’”

“I realized he didn’t have a condom on.”

When you’re unprotected, anything can happen.

“Yes, I admit I was promiscuous, but now I realize the importance of using a condom all the time.”

“I heard about this drug called PrEP millions of times on Facebook, at brunch with other llack, gay, and latino men, and by word of mouth.”

“Now I play it safe and use condoms.”

“I don’t trust men, I trust condoms.”

“I felt I could have unprotected sex since I was only sleeping with this one person.”

“At that moment in time, I had a choice to go get tested for HIV or be apathetic and in denial all my life.”

After a scare, Teddy knew he had to take this stuff seriously.

HIV or an STD can happen to anyone

“Condoms weren’t always important to me.” 

It’s possible to live STD-free

Get Involved. LIFE Needs You!

Are you a gay/bisexual African American male between the ages of 16-29? LIFE is always looking to hear stories on how community role models are stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS. Peer advocates are also recruited to distribute these stories and spread the word about the program.

Contact us

HIV Testing

As young black gay/bisexual men, it is extremely important for HIV testing to be a normal part of our health care. Since it’s very simple and fast to get an HIV test now, we should all be aware of our HIV status. In less than 30 minutes, you meet with a testing counselor, have a single drop of blood taken with a finger stick, receive counseling regarding your risks, and discuss your results.

Testing info


Live free. Wear a condom.

Your condom style is a freedom that allows you to be the unique you. What’s your style and how do you rock it out? Ribbed? Ultra-sensitive? Snug fit? Tuxedo? Magnum? Regardless of your style, remember that any style is better than no style. Latex condoms are 98% effective against the transmission of HIV and other STIs when used consistently and correctly. Reduce your risk and join the #ilivefree movement!

FREE condoms are also available at the LGBT Life Center or by mail order!

Mail order condoms

LIFE Inspiration

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s national HIV awareness and anti-stigma campaign features stories of individuals living with HIV and the steps they’re taking to encourage others. In this story, singer Jamar Rogers discusses fighting stigma with the strong support of his mom, Danielle.

This is a the inspiring story of two young men, David Harris + Tre’Darrius Anderson, who want to promote gay marriage and human equality through social media.

LIFE Community Advisory Board

Want to help us make our events and services better? Join our Community Advisory Board (CAB)!

CAB members:

  • Commit to come in for regular meetings/discussions with your peers that are also on the CAB
  • Look at our marketing materials and let us know how we’re doing
  • Help create client satisfaction surveys
  • Help us see what services and programs we’re missing or where there might be gaps in our services
  • Keep us informed about what’s happening in the community so that we can better serve our current clients and reach new people


Need more info?

There are agency and informational resources throughout Hampton Roads available for those affected and infected with HIV/AIDS. Please see the following websites or service agencies for additional assistance.
