October 11th was National Coming Out Day, and to commemorate, staff members at LGBT Life Center shared their own coming out experiences through a social media campaign called #LifeTeamComingOut. Throughout the day, many different inspiring and emotional stories were shared from both people who identify as LGBTQ+ or as an Ally. While some of us came out in younger years such as high school or college, many of our staff did not come out until later in life. Overall, a major theme for this day of story sharing and experiencing swapping was that no matter your age, it is never too early or too late to be your true self. These are their stories.

Jarrell H., 30,–“When I was in 12th grade I decided to have a pool party, choosing to only invite the majority of my gay friends. At the party, my mom (who identifies as a lesbian) and her partner noticed that all of the party-goers had something in common, so they pulled me aside onto the balcony overlooking the pool area. Pointing to my friends below, my mom said “You do know that all of your friends are gay, right?” “Yeah, I know!” I replied. She proceeded to ask me if I, too, was gay and I told her “I just like what I like, but that guy right there is my boyfriend.” The conversation ended with my mom telling me I was free to love who I pleased, encouraging me to just be safe.”

Chris W.,35,–“I came out as gay, now over 10 years ago. My family members had been talking about behind my back and to my parents, because I did not have a girlfriend. I was also taught in school, incorrectly that being gay was a phase. My phase was a bit long however. After this, I started thinking, “why am afraid to come out”. I then called my best friend and then my mother and came out. Although I am from a very religious family, I was accepted and I know that God loves me even though I am gay.”

During my navy years is where I would meet one of my dearest friends. Through the early stages of our friendship I could always tell she was hiding something. I never wanted to pressure her to reveal anything she wanted to keep private, all I really cared about was that she was my sister in boots, and quickly becoming one of my closest friends. She would often talk about her fiancé, and without giving a name use pronouns like “he and him”. I never saw any pictures and even when this fiancé was brought up, it was always in private. Growing up around members of the LGBT community my entire life, I began to suspect this “he, him” fiancé, may not be a “he, him” at all. I really wanted her to know she could confide this type of information in me, but back during this time with the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy on the books, telling someone you were gay or lesbian while in the military meant risking your career, your entire livelihood even. I never wanted to force someone to come out, especially when it would be of such great risk to them but I so badly wanted her to know that she could confide this information in me. One day I finally decided to broach the subject in a way that would let her know it was safe to tell me. We talked about the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy and how risky it was for someone who is gay or lesbian to out themselves to anyone, and how sympathetic I was toward those facing that situation. I told her that she never had to pretend to be someone she wasn’t around me. This finally gave her enough reassurance to reveal to me what I had already long suspected, that she was a lesbian. Through this personal disclosure, the bonds of our friendship were cemented. No matter how close we were before this moment, the barrier of her having to hide who she was from me prevented us from truly becoming as close as we are today. The decision she made that day to reveal that information to me despite the risks, allowed our simple friendship to mature into a sisterhood that will remain for the rest of our lives.”

A huge thanks, once again, to the people who were bold enough to share their stories with the world. Each and every experience is unique and inspiring in its own way, and we hope these stories spark others to be true to themselves.
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