Name: Anjeni’ Moore
Title: Transgender Resource Coordinator
Pronouns: She/Her
How long have you been with LGBT Life Center?
I have been a part of the Life Center Family for 4 years, 2months.
Tell us a little bit about the work you do at The Center:
As the Transgender Resource Coordinator, my role is to find and/or create sustainable and useful relationships with resources that provide services for trans and gender non-conforming communities. I receive online inquiries both regionally and nationally from trans-identifying individuals in need of services. In this position, it is my duty to find ways to assure trans and gender non-conforming communities have better access to gender-affirming care, mental health, wellness, and all resources that provide a better quality of life for all trans identities.
Tell us about a time you helped a client:
Throughout my tenure with the agency, I have had the privilege of helping many clients. There are some situations that resonate with you more than others. I do remember an opportunity I had to help a community member; they were in a situation where they were facing houselessness, joblessness, no medical insurance, in an intimate partner violent relationship. This client was at wit’s end. Through our services plans and navigation, we were able to enroll the client into insurance; we were able to rescue them from intimate partner violence; we moved them into one of our Temporary Hotel Shelter through our Housing Department, then into an apartment of their own. Not only were we able to impact their quality of life in this regard, but after continual volunteer opportunities, this client became a colleague. I was so proud and grateful that I had the privilege of assisting someone in turning their life from hopelessness to hopefulness. Once this client was able to achieve these goals, they had a new lease on life and a greater sense of self.
What do you love most about your colleagues?
The thing I love most about my colleagues is their passion and heart for the work we do. Sometimes in the moments of working together, you find the unsung heroes that are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to assist our clients, and I love every minute of it. It rings true to the mantra of my life, which is “If I can help someone along the way, then my living will not be in vain.” We are not working for the lights, camera, or action; we are working to change lives.
I love working with the LGBT Life Center because, to me, it is home. There is a sense of family that I can show up in my authenticity, and I am treated fairly and equitably across the board. There is no hidden agenda; there are just like-minded individuals with the same goals in mind. And those goals are to improve health and wellness, strengthen families, and provide transformative education and advocacy for all of those who enter our doors.
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