Hello to all LGBT Life Center clients and supporters: The Staff and Board of Directors at LGBT Life Center consider personal health and safety as fundamental characteristics of a vibrant community. We also understand you may have growing concerns about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and would like to remind you, misinformation on matters of public health can be dangerous. It is a time to be very careful with what you read and hear from unedited social media and informal news sources. There are many reputable news sources and health officials sharing best practices and we are getting our advice from them (such as the CDC). LGBT Life Center is a health and wellness serving agency, so we will proceed on a very conservative path. Get updates from the Center for Disease Control at www.cdc.gov/covid19 |
We also wanted to put your mind at ease with some basic tips to stay healthy while visiting The Center and living life across our community:
· Hand-washing is your best self-defense against the spread of germs. Any soap will do. It does not have to be anti-bacterial soap, but it does need to be 20-30 seconds. Sing a song when you wash (consider Britney Spears “Oops I did it again” or “Happy Birthday”)! As a supplement – if you can find a supply – use antibacterial hand sanitizer or wipes. · Identify alternative greetings that are comfortable for you. Hugs and kisses are common greetings in our community and now would be a great time to consider an alternative. Perhaps a fist or elbow bump. Maybe an air kiss of simple wave (with jazz hands, of course) are more your style. Whatever your choice, please feel comfortable not participating in bodily contact with those you encounter inside The Center and throughout our community. · Personal Responsibility. We are doing our very best to keep The Center clean and sanitized and, with as many visitors as we have on any given day, we also ask for your help. Please pay special attention to washing your hands on your visit and to giving special care to the spaces you use while visiting our community’s Center. · Please stay home if you are not feeling well, especially if you have a fever, are coughing or sneezing or are experiencing shortness of breath. If a community member visits The Center with symptoms, our staff will politely ask them to reschedule the service appointment and to see their physician. We are attempting to secure masks for people who exhibit symptoms.· Help us by being vigilant. If you have traveled to any of the countries where there are outbreaks of the virus, please follow guidance on the CDC website. |
Here are additional things we are doing to keep The Center clean and safe:
· We have increased our cleaning services at our service centers. We are wiping down surfaces to keep things clean. · We have advised all staff members and volunteers to wash their hands often using soap and water for at least 30 seconds, particularly after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing. · We have hand sanitizer available at the reception desk, clinic front desk, and in our other offices. · We have directed our staff and volunteers to suspend physical contact with guests to The Center and at our events and have asked that a safe and healthy alternative be employed. · Any staff or volunteer members who are ill or appear ill will be sent home. · We are not canceling home visits, but we are calling ahead to ensure no one in the home is displaying flu like symptoms. At this time, The Center has canceled some events and we are assessing daily. We are closely monitoring updates from the Virginia Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization regarding COVID-19. We will continue to follow guidance from these agencies, public health officials, as well as local government officials.We are committed to making The Center a safe and enjoyable place for all. Together, we will continue to have a vibrant and healthy community. |
Cancelation Information
Please check out community calendar to see if your group meeting or event has been canceled: www.lgbtlifecenter.org/events.
As of now, we have postponed Women OUT Front. We will decide on a new date in the coming weeks while we monitor the situation. Join our Women OUT Front discussion group on Facebook for updates, info and networking in between events: https://www.facebook.com/groups/200871101141580/.

Stacie Walls CEO, LGBT Life Center |
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