Amber Swain
Name & Nickname: Amber “Ber”
Job Title at LGBT Life Center: Housing Case Manager
Where’d you come from and what’d you do there? I came from a non-profit agency called Community Connections located in Washington, DC where I was a Housing and Community Specialist/Case Manager. I wore many hats such as case manager, mental health skill builder, therapist, real estate agent, job coach and any other role the client needed me to play.
I’m here to help you with: Client Advocacy, applying a system that leads to self-sufficiency and independence, implementing routine and organization to increase effectiveness in any client and to be a help to anybody in need, no matter how small.
How did you become interested in this job/type of work? Since a child, I have observed a need for uplifting in many different groups of society, starting with those who suffer from disabilities and mental health disorders that stem from poor environments. I realized the effects, trauma, attitude and behaviors that an individual may develop from such. In formulating a plan to help individuals elevate and liberate, I realized Shelter (housing) is the first step and that the rest will follow. Housing first has become a passion more than a job. I understand the hierarchy in which an individual should follow to get them to a place of independence and housing is the first step. I chose this agency because I am able to implement housing and mental health therapy into those who suffer from societal effects. I thoroughly enjoy seeing an individual go from their lowest point to their best self.
What’s an interesting thing about you that most people don’t know? I am not good at small talk or gossip. I am into Heavy subject matter and conversations about society.
What excites you about joining the LGBT Life Center Team? Helping individuals restore.
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