Visual artist, D Hill, is a trans man breaking down the barriers of gender through art and self-expression. We had the chance to catch up with him and ask a few questions about one of his current works, TRAN(S)junction (which is currently being exhibited in the Offsite Gallery of the World Trade Center in Norfolk),…
Center News
Reduce HIV Stress: The Healthy Living Project
What is the Healthy Living Project? After an HIV-positive diagnosis, looking forward can be a nearly impossible task. The Healthy Living Project at LGBT Life Center can help with understanding what a diagnosis means today. Even if you have been living with HIV for many years, stress still happens and learning to handle stress can…
New Staff Intros: Lorraine Reichert
As our agency has grown over the past months, so has our staff of wonderful, unique and hard-working individuals. We’re proud of our family and want to share some of their stories with you. #LGBTLifeTeam Welcomes Lorraine Reichert! Job Title: Senior Community Health Navigator Nickname: Raine Past experience: After being medically retired from the Navy, I found myself…
New Staff Intros: Zain Welsh
As our agency has grown over the past months, so has our staff of wonderful, unique and hard-working individuals. We’re proud of our family and want to share some of their stories with you. #LGBTLifeTeamWelcomes Zain Welsh! Job Title: Benefits Coordinator Past Experience: My own personal life was in itself a struggle, just like many others…
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2017 (TDOR)
LGBT Life Center honors the 26 trans individuals lost in 2017 Sunday was an emotional evening for the community as we all came together at New Life MCC Church in Norfolk to remember the transgender individuals killed in 2017. With trans violence at an alarming record high, the TDOR ceremony stands to not only pay…
National Coming Out Day 2017
October 11th was National Coming Out Day, and to commemorate, staff members at LGBT Life Center shared their own coming out experiences through a social media campaign called #LifeTeamComingOut. Throughout the day, many different inspiring and emotional stories were shared from both people who identify as LGBTQ+ or as an Ally. While some of us…
LGBT Life Center Library Intern Needed
We Need You! Calling all bookworms, library dwellers, and gurus of organization–LGBT Life Center Library needs your help! Our extensive library of books is a wonderful space for both leisure and education but needs to be properly categorized. That’s where you come in. If you have experience in library sciences or just have an interest…
Register to Vote, it Matters
Join Us in Celebrating National Voter Registration Day! LGBT Life Center is excited to once again participate in a national effort to engage and mobilize Americans in our political process by helping to register over a hundred thousand voters across the country on September 26, 2017, National Voter Registration Day. First held in 2012 for that…
We’re looking for a passionate CFO!
Chief Financial Officer LGBT Life Center is seeking a full-time Chief Financial Officer. The organization has an $8 million+ budget and has diverse funding from federal, state and local grants, donor contributions, third party insurance billing, earned program revenue, and more. Major components of the position include management in multiple areas, including financial oversight, department…
HIV/STD Campaign & News on Future Growth
Over the past several months, LGBT Life Center has been experiencing lots of positive and important growth as an organization. With a new look at its forefront and many exciting projects at hand for the community, there is much to be talked about. As advocates, the idea of sparking discussion within the community has always…